Ignorance is bliss

Nicolle K. Hamilton

If ignorance is bliss, then Zac Barclay, Zach Zenter and Ben Paske are definitely living a blissful existence.

Their letter to the Daily concerning reverse Campaniling was not only grossly biased but also completely misinformed.

Why do we want you to recognize our LGBT community? Why do we fight for this recognition? The reason is simple.

Quite contrary to your belief, WE are forced to recognize your heterosexuality every day.

Look around you — how many things in our society are geared only towards heterosexual couples? When you see advertisements, do they have LGBT couples?

When the TV show “Ellen” isn’t aired in some places because of a homosexual kiss, but hundreds of TV shows displaying much more graphic heterosexual sex scenes aren’t given a second thought, does this not force LGBT people to recognize your heterosexuality and shove their own sexuality in the closet?

When a friend of mine can’t get his sociology teacher to even touch the topic of homosexuality in sexuality discussions, is he not forced to recognize your heterosexuality?

Give me a break.

Nicolle K. Hamilton

