ISU men and women tackle rugby

Jamie Halsne

To some, rugby is a game of physical contact and aggression, but to others it is a chance to get to know other people and to have a lot of fun.

LaChelle Coats, president of the Iowa State women’s rugby club, describes rugby as a sport that is “loads of fun.”

Some people describe it as a combination of football and soccer. Characteristics exist that are similar to both sports, Coats said.

The women’s rugby club is made up of ISU students and other Ames citizens. Jason Payne serves as coach for both the men’s and women’s rugby clubs.

Experience isn’t a necessity to join the team. Experience levels on the team range from a lot to none at all.

“We encourage new people to come out,” Coats said.

Sarah Whitely, a 19-year-old member of the team, gained experience through playing rugby in high school, and was looking forward to playing at ISU.

As a member of the team, Whitely said she feels she has gained a lot through the rugby experience. She said the game is fun, a social experience and good exercise.

The women’s rugby club is funded by players’ dues, Government of the Student Body and team fundraisers. Last semester a benefit concert was held at the Maintenance Shop to help raise money for the team’s account, Coats said.

Flyers are placed in the Lied Recreation Center and across campus to let students know about the rugby club. In the fall, those interested can sign up for the team at Club Fest. Ads may also appear in the Daily containing information about joining the team.

Practices are currently held Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 5 p.m. at the Towers field. Throughout the year, practice times and locations are subject to change, Coats said.

“People should play it because it’s a really fun game,” Whitely said.

The rugby club’s next game is this weekend at UNI. ISU also hold its own tournament during the Veishea celebration, Coats said.