‘Story’ not true journalism

Steven Martens

Am I losing my mind, or in Wednesday’s Daily, did you actually print a “story” on the front page that was based entirely on information taken from the Web site of some man who is running for governor? It was the laziest excuse for journalism I have ever seen.

Maybe we have become so lost in the wonders of computers that we have forgotten another amazing invention that is very useful in journalism. It’s called a telephone. If you want to write a story about a man, pick up the phone and call him, don’t just take all the information you have been spoon-fed off his Web site and try to pass it off as reporting.

I will be graduating from this department soon, and I am considering leaving my many years of experience at the Daily off my resum‚. I frankly don’t want to be associated with the paper anymore.

Maybe with our new $9 million gift, we can buy some skills, or at least some integrity and self-respect, for the Daily staff.

Steven Martens


Journalism and mass communication

Editor’s note: The article “Jeffrey Hughes, Sr. seeks governor position” was based on a telephone interview with Hughes. Additional information for the article was taken from his Web site.