Quick Es

Letter to the Editor

Quick E of the Day

“If it’s tourist season, why can’t we shoot them?”


Mechanical engineering

“You know it’s spring when the first thing you see in the morning is two robins gettin’ it on!”


Computer science

“I think the word Veishea means ‘You cannot have any fun, but to make up

for it we will let you eat food on Welch Ave.'”


Civil engineering

“Why is sexual harassment (like of Paula Jones) nobody’s business until

it happens to Anita Hill?”

Graduate student,


“Milty and the gang … give up and let the Jischke do his job!!”


Chemical engineering

“I would like to thank the cop in Missouri who took our beer (and put it in the cooler in his car) instead of giving us a ticket.”



“Senior in history:

How many US students can tell me how many points is to be played in the sepak takraw game? What’s your point?”


Computer science

“Since we are having a dry Veishea, we should have Hanson and Barney as

the featured entertainers. MMM Bop!”


Exercise science

E-mail one-sentence Quick Es to [email protected]. edu with “Quick E” as the subject. Include year in school and major. All Quick Es will be anonymous.