IRHA bill

Letter to the Editor

The following is a bill passed by the Inter-Residence Hall Association Thursday night regarding the guest policy implemented in the residence halls for Veishea weekend.

Title: Hey, stop, what’s that sound?

Whereas: There was recently a guest policy implemented in the residence halls over Veishea weekend, and

Whereas: The students were not given proper notification of this policy, this decision was made two weeks prior to the Veishea celebration, and

Whereas: The Department of Residence was not given enough time to make a decision on how to effectively enforce this policy, and

Whereas: IRHA has not received a sufficient amount of information about this policy, and

Whereas: Unlike the halogen lamp policy change, in which the Department of Residence followed the terms and conditions contract and provided, in writing, proper notification to every student living in the residence halls, and

Whereas: This guest policy is seen as unfair and unjust by many students living in the residence halls at Iowa State University, be it therefore

Resolved: That the IRHA is opposed to any policy that is contrary to the current precedent set forth by the terms and conditions contract without proper notification, and be it further

Resolved: That a copy of this be sent no later then 9:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 16, to the Iowa State Daily for possible publication in the Friday, April 17 edition.

Resolved: That copies of this be sent no later than 8:30 a.m. on Friday, April 17, to President Martin Jischke, Vice President of Student Affairs Tom Hill, Dean of Students Kathy MacKay, Director of Residence Randy Alexander, and be it further

Resolved: That copies of this be sent no later than 10 a.m. on Friday, April 17, to all coordinators of residence life, hall directors and Associate Director of Residence Virginia Arthur.

Signed by:

Pogge, Michel (North Friley)

Lipcon, James (South Friley)

Chamberlain, Ben (UDA at-large)

McLaren, Jay (President)

Morris, Rodney (Vice president of finance)