Daily errors

Jane Nicholas

I read the Iowa State Daily almost everyday. As a journalism and mass communication student, I am appalled at the number of spelling and word usage errors I often find while reading your paper. I don’t know what time of day or night these stories are edited and placed, but it seems like the editors must be half-asleep when they read through stories. Sometimes I wonder if anyone reads through the stories before they are sent to press, especially when I find an error on the front page, as I often do.

Hello? Is there anybody in there? Writers should read their stories before turning them in, as should the editors.

The stories the paper prints help its writers build their portfolios. It’s pretty much a waste to place a story in a portfolio if it has an error in it that could have been prevented through the use of a computer spelling checker or a read through. I’m not even sure this letter won’t “acquire” errors by the time it goes to print.

I enjoy reading the Iowa State Daily, but sometimes I entertain myself by seeing how many errors I can highlight between my classes. Show some pride in your journalistic talents by making your college newspaper the very best it can be. After all, it is a reflection on our department.

Jane Nicholas


Journalism and mass communication