ISU trap and skeet club gunning for national tournament

Drew Harris

Members of the Iowa State trap and skeet club have good reason to be all fired up this week.

Six of the club’s 20 members have their sights set on the national tournament this Thursday through Sunday in San Antonio, Texas.

The competition should be tough at one of the nation’s most prestigious gun clubs, said Joel Jepsen, sophomore in forestry.

“It’s the most prestigious shoot to go to, [and] it’s probably the best organized,” Jepsen said.

Ben Berka, the organization’s president, said the team is aiming high. He said the club has a good chance of faring well at the event based on its six shooters and their success earlier this year.

“This is one of our better teams we’ve had,” said Berka, senior in botany.

ISU grabbed third-place honors in a tournament held in Indiana earlier in the year and has been on target since.

The team has been hitting its mark this season, placing first at a recent competition at Southwest Missouri State. The group logged the high score overall based on a five-person team competing in all events.

“Everybody’s been dedicated,” Jepsen said. “It really shows.”

The events in the San Antonio shoot will include trap, skeet and sporting clays. International trap and international skeet are two additional categories that individuals may compete in.

But winning the national tournament is not the number one goal of the group. Berka said the club’s ideals encompass a much broader scope — having fun.

“It’s a good time,” Berka said. “We’re not overly serious. We promote safety and having a good time.”

According to its members, the group encourages anyone interested to participate. Berka said current membership is “diverse,” with men, women, novices and seasoned veterans all out to learn.

The club practices twice a week, on Mondays in Ames at the Izaak Walton League and Wednesdays in Boone. The group also holds weekly meetings where members watch videos and discuss plans for upcoming shoots.

After the hard work, the club typically has the chance to show its stuff by competing in at least two shoots per semester.