Towers music

Dave Audy

Sometimes, things happen for no reason. I’m tired of listening to people give motives to events that are, well, unmotivated. I know the entire Towers “gathering” has been over- done, but I think it’s time I say something. I can’t let the subject die because I read Mike Pitula’s article, “Towers Residents ‘Rioted’ Against Authoritarianism” in Friday’s Daily. Why am I bringing it up? Why do I care? Well, it just so happens that my roommate and I were the ones playing the music. Yep, we were the ones who played the theme song to “Cops” out of our window.

So, let me get to the point. When Mike decided to put a cause to our music (oh, by the way, we played the “Cops” theme because we despise the authoritarianism of ISU, at least that’s what Mike tells us) it made me a little upset. I’m upset because no one ever felt it necessary to mention the other songs we played. Of course, Mike nailed our motive for playing “Cops” right on the head, but I wish he had taken it to the next step.

So, for all of you who participated in the Towers ‘gathering’ and for all who did not, I’d like to share my roommates and my motives for playing the songs we did.

  • Theme song to “Cops” — We already covered this one, authoritarianism of ISU.
  • “Everybody Must Get Stoned” — We chose this one because we both feel that marijuana should be legalized because of its social and economic values.
  • “Fight for Your Right to Party” — Obviously, that was played to object to the idea of Dry Veishea.
  • “Black or White” — This selection states our position on the Catt Hall controversy (one way or the other, it just doesn’t matter).
  • “Money for Nothing (and Chicks for Free)” — We are tired of the objectification of women and we don’t want those out there to deny its existence.

We also played a small clip from “When Harry Met Sally” when one of the actresses fakes an orgasm. You know, I just can’t remember what the motive behind that clip was. There was no way we played that just for the hell of it. No, we had to have a reason, didn’t we? Come on, we’re in an institute “of science and technology” so nothing can be done for fun, right? Of course not, plain and simple fun is just, well, too plain and simple of a reason for doing anything. There is always a deeper message.

I really hope that a little of my sarcasm is starting to shine through. There was no plan. There was no agenda for the Towers “gathering.” There was no motive behind the music we played. Of course, people are going to try to rationalize the whole situation, but I think it would be better if they realized that sometimes, things happen for no reason.

Dave Audy


Electrical engineering