Buchanan Hall representation

Randy J. Morfitt

Residents of Buchanan Hall are without a voice. Buchanan’s Hall Director, Balsy Kasi, has decided that its residents no longer need student representation. BHA (Buchanan Hall Association) has ceased to exist due to his actions.

In February, Mr Kasi held an election to appoint new BHA officers. Unfortunately, it was an illegal election under BHA rules. The judicial review process invalidated the election. At that time, Kasi said that he would hold a new election at the time specified in BHA rules, sometime in March.

March has come and gone, and that election has still not been held. When I asked Mr Kasi about it, he said that he had decided to wait until next fall to hold hall elections. I’ve since found out that he has been spending BHA funds without any input from the residents. Our money, which is supposed to be used only at the discretion of our elected representatives.

Based on Mr Kasi’s past actions, it is silly to think that he will actually hold elections in the fall. It is time for the Department of Residence to conduct a full investigation of his actions. The residents of Buchanan Hall deserve to have their voice back.

Randy J. Morfitt

