Clean Up Crew offers safe disposal of hazardous waste

Emily Graham

The City of Ames and the Metro Waste Authority are teaming up to provide Ames residents an opportunity to safely dispose of household hazardous waste.

The Clean Up Crew, a mobile collection unit, will be in Ames at the salt dome on the corner of Carnegie Avenue and Pullman Street from 2 to 6 p.m. on May 6, and again from 1 to 5 p.m. on May 7.

“This is a relatively new program, but I think that we will have a good turnout this year.

“It is the first pick-up we have done with Metro Waste Authority,” said John Pohlman, supervisor of the Resource Recovery Plant.

Residents of Ames and Story County may dispose of hazardous waste during this time by appointment only.

Appointments can be made by calling the Resource Recovery Plant at 239-5137 before April 30.

Pohlman said the appointment process not only is convenient, it is necessary.

“We need people to make an appointment so the whole town doesn’t show up at once. This way, we can keep the flow of cars moving smoothly and not get backed up,” Pohlman said.

Pohlman added that the Clean Up Crew is a free service for residents.

Some acceptable drop-off items include acetone, aerosol cans, gasoline and kerosene, lighter fluid, oil- and lead-based paint and paint thinner, he said.

“A lot of these items are ones that we normally don’t get involved with, so these drop-offs may be Ames residents’ only chance to properly dispose of many hazardous items,” Pohlman said.

Although many other items will be accepted, some items will be turned away, including latex paint, used motor oil, antifreeze and lead acid batteries.

Questions regarding acceptable materials can be answered by the Resource Recovery Plant at 1-888-603-CREW.

Businesses and farms also may be helped by the service.

Ames residents may dispose of used motor oil and lead acid batteries at the Resource Recovery Plant during normal operating hours.

More pick-ups are scheduled for later this summer to accommodate residents who are unable to utilize the upcoming pick-up.