Reverse campaniling

We just want to start by saying we have no contempt for homosexuals. We feel that it is their business and right to display affection however they please, and that they be afforded the same rights and privileges as the rest of us.

However, when was the last time there was a picture of a heterosexual couple under the Campanile? Why is this news? Because it deviates from the norm. If homosexuals want to be treated equally, then why is there such an influx of media trying to bring everything about homosexuality to the heterosexual’s attention?

Even in the article in the Daily announcing the Reverse Campaniling, it was said that this was an effort for the Alliance to force students to stand up and take notice. Why? Why do they care if we know they are gay? We don’t care if they know we’re straight. What we don’t understand is if a group wants to be treated equally, why do they constantly beg for extra attention?

If they want to kiss under the Campanile, fine. Do it all day for all we care. But why do we need to be forced to recognize it? How does it affect our lives that these people are gay? It doesn’t. Why force the fact on us?

We just want to end stating that we don’t ever recall an article in the Daily announcing that a few heterosexual couples were going to get together and kiss under the Campanile with the aim of forcing the homosexual community to recognize their existence on campus. Don’t force anything on us. Do what you want. Just don’t attempt to make a media circus out of something you claim is common and should be accepted.

Zac Barclay


Animal ecology

Zach Zentner


Journalism and mass


Ben Paske

