Bathroom plumbing

Jon Stewart

Maybe it’s just me — maybe I’m too anal — but I find it pretty disgusting when the plumbing in Friley backs up and crap ends up all over the floor in my house’s bathroom. Of course, it doesn’t happen every day — just a few times a semester — so maybe I really don’t have anything to complain about.

Then again, I still have this gut feeling that there’s something inherently unhealthy about wading through feces to wash your hands. I’m not a medical professional, though, so I really can’t say my opinion is fact. Does anyone out there know if taking a shower in sewage can have a negative impact on your health? I’d like to know.

I know I’m only a student at ISU, and only an undergraduate at that, but considering that I’ll be paying the housing rate increases, can I request that a portion of my money go towards fixing the plumbing in the residence halls? It seems to me that it’s a pretty basic sort of thing, although I realize it’s not the type of project that would grab headlines or attract new students to ISU. It’s only a suggestion; I’m not an alumnus so you don’t have to take it seriously.

I wonder what the plumbing is like at other land-grant universities…

Jon Stewart


Computer science