Reflections during spring

Jonquil Wegmann

Spring never fails to bring out the child in me. Warm weather, greening grass, budding trees, blooming flowers and sunshine make me temporarily forget I have deadlines and due dates.

I become a more reflective person, asking the simple questions all little kids ask — why is the grass green and why is the sky blue? I don’t even realize I slip into daydreams, wondering about the meaning of random thoughts that pop into my head.

How come there’s no “d” for the College of Design in Veishea — especially since ISU is supposedly trying to reinvent Veishea. I think a “d” should be added to the end of the word. Then, when you “experience” Veishea in the traditional way, you could say, after waking up with your hang-over Sunday morning, I’ve been Veishea-d, conveniently in the past tense.

Why does the ISU administration think the answer to Veishea problems is to mandate dryness?

How come freshman and sophomores under 21 are getting so upset about the Veishea pledge?

Why on earth have the Spice Girls become an international success?

Why do people listen — and actually believe — Rush Limbaugh?

How come cigarettes are okay to smoke, but marijuana is illegal?

How come no one is listening to 9/29?

Why can’t the Iowa State Center book big name attractions, even though they have the facilities for them?

How come Bill Clinton’s approval ratings are skyrocketing even as more and more scandals come out?

How come Hillary hasn’t left him yet and run for public office herself?

How come “Titanic” was number one for so many weeks?

How come “Titanic” was knocked out of its number one spot by “Lost in Space?”

How come the people that shouldn’t have kids are always the ones that get pregnant?

Why is everyone marveling about how great the economy is while average people are working two or more jobs and getting paid less than before they were ‘downsized’?

Why isn’t there ever a place to park on this damn campus?

Why does ISU charge a $15 “graduation fee?”

How come we’re just finding out now that the CIA and FBI were behind the murder of Martin Luther King? Why didn’t they teach us that in our history classes?

Why did they try to sell us the lone gunman theory in the Kennedy assassination? How come the truth never comes out until decades after everyone involved has passed away?

Why did TCI take away Comedy Central in the name of “family programming” and not take away Fox?

Why does TCI get to decide what “family programming” is?

How come all the good shows on TV are always canceled?

Why is it still raining every day in Ames, even though it’s spring?

Why do professors forget their students have more than one class and can’t possibly spend all of their time on campus?

Take a break from the drudgery of class. Get outside and enjoy spring

Jonquil Wegmann is a senior in community and regional planning from Bellevue.