M-Shop reaction #1

Kate Johnson

This letter is to thank the Board of Directors of the Memorial Union for allowing the students, faculty, alumni and others a chance to voice their opinion regarding the possible policy changes of the M-Shop.

It is refreshing to see a governing body that at least gives the people who will be affected by policy changes a chance to voice their gripes, concerns and opinions before deciding on whether to change those policies.

It was overwhelmingly obvious at the forum held at the Gallery of the Memorial Union on Thursday, April 16, that the general consensus of those who patronize the M-Shop is that it be allowed to continue on as it has been for 25 years: bringing in bands and performers to the campus for us as students and as nonstudents to enjoy. The voices that spoke were clear on their desire for the M-Shop to remain the last safe haven for those who wish to smoke. Those in attendance clearly shouted that they did not wish for the M-Shop to be changed, and those there are hopeful and confident that their questions, statements and requests will not simply be unanswered, ignored and forgotten — as generally is the case when students try to have their voices heard by the Board of Regents of the university.

It is with sincere gratitude that we say thank you for the chance to have a say in the changes — or non-changes — that are taking place in “our” “student” union.

Kate Johnson


Liberal studies