Needless bickering

Joel C. Werling

I’m going to put my two cents in, maybe three. I have never seen or heard so much bickering in my entire life. Will everyone please shut the hell up about the homosexual, heterosexual and bisexual crap? I just don’t get what all the fuss is about. Come on, I don’t care what other people do. If I don’t like it, I won’t watch, listen, or read about it. Of course I just contradicted myself in the last statement by reading the editorials in the Daily and writing an editorial myself about the editorials, but I’m not writing about the issues here. What I am writing about is: Why are people arguing with each other, and for what purpose, what reason? What are these people accomplishing? It’s just not healthy.

My views differ from another person’s, which in turn differ with another’s, and so on and so forth. Give it up — people are different from each other, and that is the way it’s going to be. No use for fighting. End of story.

We can all be more constructive with our time than what we are now. What’s the point of arguing? If you are forced to watch or hear someone else’s view on a subject, which in any case I don’t think you are, follow these simple steps: 1. Take a deep breath. 2. IGNORE it. (Trust me, this works.) 3. Focus your mind elsewhere. 4. (optional) Smoke a cigarette.

Whatever happened to freedom in America without someone getting in your face? I’m proud to be an American, damnit. I’m free to express, watch, read and listen to whatever views I want. Aren’t you?

Joel C. Werling


Chemical engineering