Ames ‘jailbirds’ raise over $27,000 to aid MDA

Carrie Tett

Some Ames residents were “locked up” in Brenton Bank Wednesday and Thursday in an effort to raise money for the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA).

Volunteers spent one hour “in jail” to raise bail money for the MDA. The jail birds called friends, family members and co-workers for donations to go toward the $1,000 goal, said Erin Schettler, program coordinator for the Des Moines district MDA.

“People are referred to us from the community,” she said. “Their goal is to either raise $1,000 bail or spend one hour in jail.”

Although about 125 people participated in the event, only 114 sat “in jail.”

This year’s jailbirds raised more than $27,000 to help local victims of the neuromuscular disease.

The program provides clinical services, wheelchairs, leg braces, the MDA summer camp and funding for research.

The lock-up program is a national event with three taking place in Des Moines each year.

“It’s really easy for us to coordinate,” Schettler said. “It’s an hour of getting away from work and supporting a good cause.”

The program has been running for about five years and Ames is one of the most successful cities to participate. Brenton Bank has hosted the event for the past three years.

“This is the highest [monetary amount] that Ames has ever been,” she said. “We want to continue to see it grow.”