No racism at GSB

Jillene Hamill-Wilson

This is to say that the Daily reporters should tell the whole story when they are reporting. Accusations of racism at the last GSB meeting were uncalled for.

The GSB gives out student money to organizations that need it for a good reason. A greek organization, Omega Psi Phi, came to GSB asking for $800 ($300 for a scholarship, $300 for printing booklets, $100 for decorations, $100 for misc. printing). This was to host a dinner and ball where they would present scholarships during a program. Since no other greek organization asks for money for decorations or printing for their balls, there was a question on whether Omega Psi Phi should be treated differently. We were in favor of the $300 for the scholarship.

As far as I was concerned it had nothing to do with race, but treating the greek system fairly in how extra money is allocated.

As for giving RCA and Vibes $500 for the suitcase dance, they showed an educational format to do with alcohol and that it was open to all ISU students and the community. They showed us how the money was to be spent and how the community would benefit, especially during Veishea, giving people another outlet rather than drinking during Veishea. Nothing with racism here.

Is the Daily trying to cause problems? Or are you unable to tell the whole story, unbiased?

Jillene Hamill-Wilson


Zoology and pre-optometry

GSB Non-traditional Senator