Veishea Job Fair to help students

Glenda Klemme

Iowa State students will have the opportunity to speak informally with Ames community businesses during the Veishea Job Fair this week.

The Job Fair, which will be held April 14-16 from noon to 2 p.m., will focus on ISU’s seven colleges.

The Ames businesses that will have their booths set up south of the Campanile on central campus are part of the Cyclone Family. Many of their representatives for the Job Fair are ISU alumni who work in the Ames area.

“The alumni are enthusiastic about participating in the Job Fair and helping students find what they are looking for in a career,” said Julie Larson, director of career and student programs for the ISU Alumni Association.

Starting Tuesday, with the College of Business and the College of Agriculture, there will be four to six representatives from each college.

Representatives from NOVARTIS Seeds, MATRIC (Midwest Agri-business Trade Research and Information Center), and T-Galaxy will be present on Tuesday.

Wednesday will focus on the liberal, arts and sciences, family and consumer science and education colleges, with representatives present from ISU Extension Service, Mary Greeley Medical Center, Albertson and Associates and the City of Ames.

Architect John Harvey, along with the Iowa Department of Transportation and Engineering Animation, will be present for the colleges of Engineering and Design on Thursday.

“[Representatives] are probably not looking to hire, but just want to give students a chance to find out about different jobs that are out there,” said Justin Hattan, co-chairman of the Job Fair.

The Veishea Job Fair will be an informal time for students to speak with employers and representatives about their jobs. It will also allow students to get information about different companies in Ames that hire ISU graduates.