‘Hunger’ review

Dj Erdmann

Just a quick comment about Ben Jones’ review of “Cinematic Superthug” by The Hunger. I have been listening to The Hunger for over a year now, and personally, I like the band. I do believe that everyone is entitled to their opinion, so Jones’ thoughts about the band are perfectly fine with me. One aspect of his review that does bother me, however, is in the first sentence. Jones claims that “Cinematic Superthug” is the band’s debut release. Now, if I have been listening to this band for over a year, and “Cinematic Superthug” just came out, I find it hard to believe that this is the band’s DEBUT release.

In the manner of a two minute search, Mr. Jones would have realized that “Cinematic Superthug” is actually The Hunger’s fourth release. It was preceded by “Leave Me Alone” in 1991, “Grip” in 1993 and “Devil Thumbs A Ride” in 1996. By the way, the “Devil Thumbs A Ride” album contains the song “Vanishing Cream,” which was in the top 5 active rock charts for months and number 24 in the Billboard’s Top 50.

Hopefully the next time a record is reviewed, a little more time, say two or three minutes, will be put into it to make sure that the information you are printing is correct.

Dj Erdmann


Liberal studies