ISU Professor dies of heart failure

Emily Graham

John Wilson, professor of adult and extension education, died Wednesday of heart failure.

Wilson had worked at Iowa State since 1977.

He started as an assistant professor and was promoted to associate professor in 1978, and to professor in 1982.

Since 1996, Wilson also served as an interim department executive officer for the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies.

Wilson saw the department through many major transitions in the short time he was part of the committee.

Cathy Curtis, college relations coordinator, said Wilson will be most missed for the way he cared about his students.

“I was at his visitation and was astonished by how many students were there,” Curtis said. “Most of the ones I talked to said that although they had only had him for one class, they were so touched by him that they felt compelled to come.”

Sara Miller, director of development for the College of Education, remembers Wilson for “the passion with which he carried out his work and the excitement he had about the department and his students.”

Curtis also described Wilson as an unassuming person.

“He didn’t draw attention to himself but was a great man,” she said.

“He will be deeply missed by all his colleagues and students,” Miller said.

A scholarship fund has been established in Wilson’s honor.

The family has requested that in lieu of flowers, donations be made to the fund.

Donations can be sent to the ISU Foundation, John P. Wilson Scholarship Fund, Memorial Union, Alumni Suite, Ames, IA 50011.