Towers ‘riot’

Jason Schoellen

I noticed (as did many others) the “riot” between the Towers residence halls on Wednesday, March 25. I feel many of the people involved in it have a lot of growing up to do.

First of all, to those under 21, why are you rioting against a dry Veishea? You’re not supposed to be “wet” anyway.

To those who thought lighting off fireworks and hanging on light posts was cool, how old are you? Grow up. The reason Veishea is dry this year is because idiots like you think you’re cool when you act like the vicious rebels you are. A lack of responsibility and a lack of maturity leads to removal of privileges. The right to drink responsibly is a privilege.

Too bad a couple (okay a bunch) of rotten apples had to spoil it for us who choose to do exactly that. For those of you who were of age, voiced your opinion rationally and are responsible, I salute you. It is good to stand up for what you believe in. You have the freedom to express yourself, and you acted accordingly, in a mature manner.

It’s the ones who are irresponsible and feel the need to get loaded to brag about how “wasted they are” that will continue to act like children and continue to get treated like them.

Jason Schoellen


Journalism and mass communication