Alumni Hall, Student Services get new parking lots

Danae Hucka

An ongoing construction project will soon provide more parking in front of Alumni Hall and south of the Student Services Building.

The parking lot in front of Alumni Hall is currently being extended to allow more parking, and an additional parking lot is being constructed south of the Student Services Building.

Rick Fox, project manager, is in charge of the construction, which began earlier this month.

Fox said a concrete masonry retaining wall will be constructed to support an extension to the parking lot.

The new bay of parking will be built onto the south edge of the existing lot.

The concrete wall will be poured today and will be filled next week. The new parking area will be filled in two weeks to allow for 15 more parking spaces.

“The construction also includes the building of additional sidewalks to improve the pedestrian circulation in the areas surrounding the parking lot that have been disrupted,” Fox said.

Another 15-space lot will be constructed on the south edge of the Student Services Building.

The looping driveway currently in place was designed to accommodate the ambulance which served Student Health Services, which has now moved to a new facility.

Following the construction, both parking areas will be surrounded with new plant materials to re-landscape the disturbed plant life.

That project will take place in the fall.

Fox said the additional parking is to provide more adequate parking for those people coming to visit the campus and the admissions department.

“All of the new parking spaces will be visitor parking from 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m,” said Doug Houghton, director of parking systems.

Houghton said the new parking spots are a special initiative because they are not being paid for by the parking division.

Funding for the parking lot construction is coming from outside sources.