
Bethany Apa

This is in response to Eric Vymyslicky’s letter in the March 6 Daily. I have always felt that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, no matter what their opinion may be. However, sometimes the opinions of a fellow human can be very disheartening.

The fact of the matter is that being a homosexual or heterosexual is not a choice. Recent studies, as you stated, have lent proof to that effect. The only choice is whether one decides to carry out his or her predestined lifestyle. A homosexual man is a homosexual man whether he sleeps with a woman or not. That said, what needs to be realized is that you cannot force homosexual feelings upon another individual. I’m afraid osmosis only goes so far. I was raised around heterosexual people, and I myself am one. When I later met and became friends with homosexuals, it didn’t stir any confusion in me. Sexual desire is a strong emotion, and I know what rings my bell.

Similarly, when I roomed with a girl from Africa last semester, I don’t recall ever looking in the mirror to see if I was still white. Sexuality is biological, just the same as skin color, eye color and so on. My parents could have moved to Indonesia when I was born, and I can guarantee you that I would not have developed any of the physical characteristics indigenous to people of Asian descent.

I realize that this analogy might be lost on some people. After all, behavior and physical appearance are two completely different things. MOST behavior. Violence is taught; homosexuality is not. Ignoring homosexuality does not make it go away. How do you explain the countless homosexual people who grew up without any kind of homosexual influence in their lives?

Furthermore, if homosexuality is as evil as you say it is, why would anyone CHOOSE to be a part of it? Based on your own arguments, this implies that it is, in fact, not a choice.

I also find your ignorance of the topic sad. The fact that you characterized your gay Boy Scout leader as having a lisp only ridicules yourself and shows that you watch too much television. Your concern about pedophiles also saddens me. While I agree that it would be a horrible situation, I would hope that the Boy Scouts would have a better screening process for potential leaders than the one some of your precious churches have adopted for their priests. If I had a son, I would be very reluctant to allow him to be an altar boy. I watch “20/20.”

Furthermore, I truly resent the statement you made regarding court rulings. You wrote, “Ruling after ruling by state and federal courts have slowly been picking away at some of the last things we hold dear as a society.” Whose society? Not my society. While I commend you for not hiding behind the Bible as so many others do, I also chastise you for picking a different shield of armor.

As I’m sure you’ll recall, this is not the first time that similar protests were made in response to government ruling. After all, American society was affected dramatically during the late 1860s. As if that wasn’t bad enough, a century later this same stricken society had to deal with even more interference. Imagine!

I realize that my words more than likely hit a brick wall with you. After all, you are a product of your own environment. Ignorance and hatred, unfortunately, can be taught, as I’m sure any psychologist will agree. My only hope is that you end the cycle of hate with your children. Don’t poison their minds as yours was.

Bethany Apa


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