Athletic department ticket policy

Andrea Crew

My family has a strong tie to Iowa State University and is a huge supporter of its academics, athletics and arts. My mother is an employee at the university. My husband’s father, my brother, my husband and my sister-in-law are all proud graduates of ISU. In fact, my husband and I met at Iowa State and fondly remember some of our “best times” spent together while we were students there. We think of Iowa State University every month when we write our check to pay for our student loans, and it has never bothered us as we have felt that our education there was priceless and has helped get us where we are today — successful citizens of Iowa. We were shocked, however, when we recently attended a basketball game at Hilton Coliseum and were charged the full adult price of $18 for our 15-month-old son’s admission. What was even more shocking was the fact that when I called the ticket office the next day to inquire about this ridiculous fee, I was told, “If you can’t afford the price, then maybe you should get a baby-sitter!”

My husband and I are working parents and we treasure the limited time that we get to spend with our son. We do things as a family! In this day and age, I think that there is a need to return to family-oriented activities. Statistics show that most children and teenagers who commit crimes are from families who lack this togetherness. Obviously the Iowa State University athletic office does not agree with this and do not welcome infants or children at the events.

A further explanation was given indicating that by charging everyone who attends an ISU basketball game that same high fee, they can account for each and every person for fire regulations. I can understand that, but why not take a count of attendees then, or at least charge children a child’s fee?

I am extremely disappointed in our alma mater for not supporting the concept of the family. And worst of all, I am sorry that we are not going to attend any more of the basketball games at Iowa State since we can’t go as a family —not because we can’t afford it, but because we disagree with your ticket policy!

Andrea Crew

Spencer, Iowa