To Milton McGriff

Chris Sokolowski

An open letter to Milton McGriff: I have a couple of questions for you. First off, why is the name of Catt Hall that much of a problem to you and your Movement? Does it prevent you from having an environment conducive to studying here at Iowa State? That is a right to every student here at Iowa State — to have an environment which is conducive to obtaining an education. In my personal opinion, you and the rest of your Movement are hindering your own education by sitting in President Jischke’s office all day long. Your rally held on the steps of Beardshear was more of a distraction to students than the name of Catt Hall ever will be. What will be next? A demand to change the name of Black Engineering?

While some of your demands may be valid, carrying them out in the Catt Hall platform is doing nothing but making your Movement seem senseless. You have resorted to tactics which are in fact making it harder for any change to be made here at ISU. Now I don’t agree with everything that President Jischke is doing here, but I don’t go around raising such a fuss over those things. I accept them and learn to live with them.

There are many other things in this world which can have greater impacts on humanity if they are changed. While starting small and working up is the only way to make a difference, starting stupid is not the answer.

Mr. McGriff, I urge you to get off of your high horse and learn to live with things, and maybe even get a degree.

Chris Sokolowski


Management information systems