‘Researched’ views

Jonathan Williams

Just a note in response to Eric Vymyslicky’s letter of March 6. Mr. Vymyslicky makes some rather emotional, stereotypical and hostile assertions regarding homosexuals in general, and their potential actions in the Boy Scouts in particular. On the off-chance the impression left by his letter is wrong, and he is willing to apply reason to this issue, I’d like to pose a couple of questions for him to reconcile with his views:

1) If his implied assertion is correct and having gay role models will train “an entire army of homosexuals,” how is this reconciled with the fact that the vast majority of gays grew up in households with heterosexual parental figures? I’d like Mr. Vymyslicky to explain the connection. I put to him that his belief is incredibly simplistic. Additionally, I take issue with his assertions about what psychology says on this subject. I have a degree in the field, and his implication that biology has little or nothing to do with sexual orientation just doesn’t add up. Mr. Vymyslicky may completely ignore the science, of course, but in my experience, most knowledgeable folks won’t take him very seriously.

2) His concern about pedophiles is misplaced. The majority of pedophiles are heterosexual. This information has been widely disseminated, and either he chose to ignore it or failed to do his homework. Either way, his statement amounts to libel on a group of people who simply aren’t guilty of that which he accuses.

3) How many gays has Eric (knowingly) met? He might try meeting a gay person or two before he condemns them. Most of the people I’ve known who were homosexual did not act at all as he describes. This is a further testament to the ignorance from which his opinion springs.

Interestingly, he apparently believes “family values” are whatever he wants them to be. They evidently include mindless intolerance and blind hatred.

It’s fairly obvious to me that Mr. Vymyslicky needs to apply some of his youthful energy to researching his facts before he writes letters such as the one on March 6. As it is, he simply sounds childish, ignorant, irrational and hateful.

Jonathan Williams


Electrical engineering