Wrong views

David Harmon

This letter is in response to Eric Vymyslicky’s editorial on the Boy Scouts of America. The author writes that he does not care if he gets angry responses to his letter. Well Mr. Vymyslicky, I like to consider myself more of a professional and a considerate human being than to respond to you in kind. Rather, I would point out that your opinion is valid because you are in America and the U.S. Constitution protects ALL OF US. I know, I’m a veteran who swore to defend that document.

However, that does not mean your opinion is correct, not even on the surface. If everyone is a “product of their environment” and the “biological” argument for homosexuality is wrong, then you should be happy to know that this gay veteran was a Cub and Boy Scout during those “very impressionable” years. Just so you know, I knew I was gay from about the age of 10 or 11, which is also when I started to experiment with my sexuality. Product of my environment?

Also, Mr Vymyslicky is wrong in his impression of what a gay relationship is all about. Does he really believe his own stereotype of “Bill and Brucy baby?” That’s not only sad, it’s scary. Personally, I’d rather train an army of homosexuals (Greek Spartan warriors come to mind) than an army of close-minded bigots.

Yes, Mr. Vymyslicky, “God forbid” any pedophiles should be Boy Scout leaders. I agree. When my loving partner and I eventually adopt children, we would not want a pedophile as his/her mentor. But again, your argument is flawed — the majority of pedophiles are heterosexuals, men and women.

Lastly, if our “entire value system” is under attack, then maybe YOUR system is flawed. Remember, Thomas Jefferson said revolution is a good thing now and then. More importantly, this is a diverse nation, and no one set of values or morals can be applied for everyone. Your God may not be my God, and my God may mean absolutely nothing to an atheist.

So there you are, Mr. Vymyslicky, this response is “rolling in” even if it’s not what you expected. Unfortunately, your letter and your opinion is what many of us have come to expect.

David Harmon

