Quick Es

Letter to the Editor

Quick E of the Day

“Friends help you move. Good friends help you move dead bodies.”



Sports Quick E of the Day

“Is it wrong if I fall to my knees three times a day and facing the hockey arena, chant, “Al Murdoch, we’re not worthy?”


Chemical Engineering

“Wouldn’t it be nice if intolerance became the exception rather than the

rule, and we didn’t need ‘Safe Zone’ stickers?”

Graduate student


“The Cy-Ride drivers need to drive more gently when they have dominoes…er, standing passengers aboard.”



“Why can’t the people in Oak Hall take 30 seconds of their precious time,

to wash their hands after going to the bathroom? I can hear everything they do in there, and it doesn’t make me want to touch the door knob after they do.”


Interior design

“I just wrote my 666th check to DPS. Coincidence? I think not!”



“To everyone (especially Bulls fans) who think the thing with Nykesha

Sales is a travesty — no one would be having a problem with it if it were

Michael Jordan receiving the freebie!”


Construction engineering

“Dear Food Service,

Here is the correct recipe for grape juice: one part frozen grape juice concentrate and THREE parts water; please use it.”


Metallurgical engineering

E-mail one-sentence Quick Es to [email protected]. edu with “Quick E” as the subject. Include year in school and major. All Quick Es will be anonymous.