Spring break is charitable time for some ISU students

Conor Bezane

While some Iowa State students are spending their spring break relaxing on sunny beaches at popular vacation spots, others will be using their time in a charitable way.

Organizations such as the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, The Salt Company and Campus Crusade for Christ are sponsoring mission trips over spring break.

According to FCA member Trent Lewis, the group has planned two service projects in San Antonio, Texas.

“We see that this is where we can be used best over spring break,” Lewis said. “We have a desire to have a fun spring break, but we also want to help people.”

Some participants will be working with inner-city elementary school children at a day camp, while others will be building projects for Habitat for Humanity.

About 30 students will take part in the FCA project, Lewis said.

“I’m really looking forward to developing relationships with those students, spending some time to get to know them,” he added.

Vanessa Nettleton, participant in the FCA-sponsored mission and sophomore in chemical engineering, said the mission will be a valuable experience.

“This is a chance for us to serve other people and to be exposed to a different environment than the one at school,” Nettleton said.

Campus Crusade for Christ also is offering spring break missions for students.

Campus Crusade participant Beth Jackson, junior in liberal studies, said about 37 students from Campus Crusade will be going to Panama City Beach, Fla. She said the goals of the mission are “not only for students to grow in Christ, but to reach out to other people on the beach who don’t know Christ.”

“I look forward to getting to know people, interacting with them and trying to express to them the reason why we believe in Christ,” Jackson said.

The Salt Company, another Christian group, also is sponsoring service projects for spring break.

Jennifer Perry, director of women’s ministry for The Salt Company, said the purpose of the group’s service projects is to “help facilitate relations between international students, and to give them a deeper understanding of Biblical Christianity.”

Perry said both international and American ISU students will travel to Idaho and Wyoming over spring break.

“[International students] come to America to learn,” Perry said. “A big part of our lives is Christianity, and we want them to understand our relationship with Christ.”

Perry also said some spots are still open for students who would like to participate in The Salt Company’s spring break missions. Students who are interested can contact Perry at (515) 232-6818.