UDA plans spring formal to be held in Scheman

Kate Kompas

For Union Drive Association residents who want a break from the stresses of school and impending finals, UDA is holding a spring formal that will boast prizes and fun for the attendees.

“This is the first formal that has been held for the UDA in a long, long time,” said Sarah Denburger, vice president of entertainment for UDA and junior in agricultural education and agricultural business.

Joni Priest, social chairwoman for Palmer House and freshman in elementary education, said since Towers Residence Association and Richardson Court Association have long held formal dances, UDA is trying to get back into the swing of things.

Denburger said the idea for the spring formal came from several UDA social chairs, and the purpose of the dance is to help bring residents together.

“It’s an effort to get UDA students out together,” Denburger said. “Too often, we go through our daily lives and don’t even get to know our neighbors.”

Priest agreed the formal is a good “greet-and-meet” activity.

“It’s just a time to get together and get to know some of the people who live in your area,” Priest said.

The spring formal, which will be dubbed, “An Evening in Paradise Lounge,” will be held on April 3, from 8 p.m. to midnight. Tickets are $7 per couple, $5 for a single guest.

The dance will be held in the Scheman Building.

Denburger said various prizes will be offered throughout the evening, including a one-night hotel stay in Des Moines and gift certificates to local restaurants. Entertainment will be provided by disc jockey and UDA resident Corey Moss of Moss Mobile Music.

Denburger added that if there is a profit from ticket sales, UDA is hoping to donate the proceeds to help international students who may be struggling financially in Ames.

“UDA raises money for the international students,” she said, adding UDA may want to establish some sort of scholarship for international students.

“International markets have just taken a dive for the worst,” Denburger said. “We want to keep those students here at ISU. We do have quite a few international students [residing in UDA.]”

Denburger said formal dress is required. She said tuxedos are suggested for men, but not required, and that women should wear formal dresses.

Denburger said the dance is “a UDA deal,” but she added guests or dates who live off campus or in another residence hall association also are invited to attend.

Tickets already are selling rapidly. Out of 500 tickets, 375 tickets have already been pre-ordered, she said.

The remaining tickets are being sold March 24-25, at the UDA post office depot.

Denburger said she was amazed that such a large number of tickets already have been sold.

“I was kind of surprised and really impressed,” she said, adding that if the event is held again next year, UDA will look into reserving a larger space like the Great Hall for the dance.

“It’s probably 100 percent likely that it will be a continuing event,” Denburger said.

As for the evening, Denburger said it will be an enjoyable night for UDA residents.

“It will be a very exciting, fun evening for the students,” she said. “[It will be] a great break from spring and finals.”