Search begins for new vice provost for ISU

Kristy Shalla

The search is on among Iowa State faculty members to fill the new position of vice provost for undergraduate programs.

With an increase in undergraduate programs, the position was created to help raise visibility of the programs, said Richard Seagrave, chairman of the screening committee.

An announcement of the position was made during Spring Break, and notifications were sent to every ISU faculty member.

Seagrave, whose job includes recruiting interested applicants, said the vice provost for undergraduate programs will be a spokesperson for new programs.

The position also includes assisting deans and department chairs with new programs.

The vice provost for undergraduate programs also will take over the responsibilities of Associate Provost Edwin Lewis, who plans to retire this December.

Other responsibilities of the new vice provost include overseeing the Honors Program, Center for Teaching Excellence and international programs.

Applicants must be full professors with tenure at ISU.

“Applicants should have strong records in teaching and research, know current issues in higher education and show leadership and success in undergraduate education,” Seagrave said.

The vice provost for undergraduate programs will start fall semester 1998 and will serve a three-year term.

After three years, an outside search may be conducted, Seagrave said.

Seagrave said he hopes to have the position filled by the end of the spring semester.

Application screening will begin April 6. All applications and any questions should be directed to Seagrave at 294-0518.