IRHA in search of new logo

Kate Kompas

After more than a year of searching, the Inter-Residence Hall Association will finally be getting a new look on the World Wide Web by offering a contest to its residents.

IRHA is looking to replace its out-dated logo with something “newer and more modern,” said Jay McLaren, president of IRHA.

McLaren, junior in agricultural business, said at least four to five years have passed since the logo was updated.

Jessica Kearney, IRHA vice president of public relations and senior in journalism and management, said the current logo did not look professional on IRHA’s updated Web page.

She also said IRHA does not want to keep the gavel depicted on the current logo because IRHA “is more than a legislative board.”

To elicit ideas from students for the new logo, a contest is being held for all interested residents to come up with a more up-to-date design for IRHA.

McLaren said IRHA already has received some entries for the contest.

Kearney, who originally came up with the idea for the contest, said a similar contest was attempted last year but wasn’t received well.

With this year’s contest, Kearney said she was a bit apprehensive that once again, no one would submit designs.

So the group decided to sweeten this year’s contest by offering the winner a $50 gift certificate to the University Book Store.

Kearney said this year’s prize is a “little more desirable.”

“Everyone goes to the bookstore and can use some extra cash,” she said, adding that since IRHA has received some designs, the plan has been effective.

“It’s another way for residence hall students to feel like they have a say in their living situation,” she said.

Even though restrictions will not be placed on the logo designs, Kearney said, they must look professional and must be submitted by a resident or a group of residents.

Because of IRHA’s updated Web site, Kearney said, the logo must either be digitally formatted or have the ability to be digitally formatted.

“[It should be] something that looks professional,” she said. “We do deal a lot with companies outside the university, and we do send a lot of resolutions to the administration.”

She added that she hopes students will “be as creative as possible.”

For more information about the contest, contact the IRHA office, 2413 Friley Hall, or call 294-2040. The deadline for the contest is March 13 at 5 p.m.