Liberal dogma

Todd Turner

First, I want to thank Timothy Davis and Kel Munger for responding to my previous letter to the editor. The responses were exactly what I expected; one contained a veiled accusation of racism, and the second implied that I am basically too stupid to know how stupid I am. Why did I expect and get these responses? I attacked liberal dogma, and therefore received the typical liberal response. For example, if you do not agree with my method of eliminating racism, you must be a racist or you are simply too arrogant and ignorant to understand. I will admit to being somewhat arrogant, but ignorant, I am not.

Now please permit me to make some specific responses.

Timothy Davis believes that my possible explanations for low graduation rates are contradictory, thus not true. Just because the actions may seem contradictory, the result, low graduation rates, can be the same.

Davis also chastised me for not providing scientific evidence, testimony, etc. to support my conclusions. I chose not to present any. Evidence likely would not have made an impact because most liberals do not let facts get in the way of their beliefs. Remember, I used the term close-minded. Also, letters to the editor are more apt to be published and read if they are shorter, because not everyone is as concerned and as passionate about these issues as people who write letters to the editor.

Now, back to the graduation rate/racism issue. What really troubles me is that we even have statistics about the graduation rates of different groups. I believe people are people, period. I do not concern myself with their color, their background, or other things they have no control over. By keeping statistics like these, the only thing accomplished is to further divide people. Without citing any scientific evidence or proof, I believe creating divisions of people based on things outside their control, like race, is bad.

One last thing: if President Jischke cringes because some people who support him do not believe liberal drivel (the “crayon-wielding, mantra spewing, malcontent community”), then I guess I made a mistake writing a support letter.

Todd Turner

Logan, Ohio