Quick Es

Letter to the Editor

Quick E of the Day

“To those in charge of the super-slick toboggan runs they call sidewalks on campus, news flash: SALT MELTS ICE!”


Mechanical engineering

Sports Quick Es of the day

“Iowa and Iowa State may not have made the Big Dance, but at least this is a rebuilding year for Iowa State. I’m glad Tom Davis isn’t our coach.”


Agricultural business

“I would like to thank Amanda Fier, Marcelo Dapino and the Iowa State Daily for their coverage of the 1997-98 men and women’s hockey seasons.”

Graduate student

Sports management

“Iowans are so hospitable, whipping up a great storm like this to make us Minnesotans/ North Dakotans feel right at home!”

Graduate student


“Hey wind … blow this!”



“Proverb: The corn is never declared innocent in the court of chickens.”


Computer engineering

“I just wanted to say thank you to the nice guy who got out of his car to

push my big, blue Oldsmobile Tuesday night by Lot 63; it’s nice to know there are still good people in the world.”



“Why should we expect the level of diversity at Iowa State to be different

from that of Iowa in general (i.e. little to none)?”

Graduate student


“Here’s another class ISU should offer: Breaking down the stereotypes: What the Greek system is really like.”



“Whoever invented the plastic wrap around videotapes and CDs sure had a sick sense of humor.”

Graduate student


E-mail one-sentence Quick Es to [email protected]. edu with “Quick E” as the subject. Include year in school and major. All Quick Es will be anonymous.