9/29 meeting

Doug Brown

Though I’ve read countless letters sent to the Daily by The September 29th Movement members, the situation involving the meeting with the university faculty and The Movement spokespeople pisses me off to no end.

The Movement keeps insisting that they were treated unfairly and the mediator “abandoned” the meeting. The fact is that the guidelines were laid down well in advance and were known to both sides. If Movement members thought that the rules were unfair or detrimental to the presentation of their case, I’d like to know why the hell they were there in the first place. And I believe in a previous Daily, Movement members stated that they would be taking some action against the mediator because of his “unprofessional” actions. This may be a bit of an exaggeration, but if two countries met for a peace treaty signing, and the first showed up with a tank and some foot soldiers, would the attending mediator just shrug and go on with the signing? I seriously doubt it.

The fact that there has only been one meeting in all this time is pretty pathetic, I agree. But if I read one more letter citing that meeting as an example of the university’s refusal to hear The September 29th Movement out, I’m going to jump off of a bridge.

Doug Brown

