Sept. 29 protest

A. T. Farley

Again we see another foot stomping fit outside of Beardshear Hall. The main complaint again is about our President Jischke not making another worthless meeting with McGriff and the other 10 people. Let’s recap what happened at the first meeting The Movement was lucky enough to get. One of the ground rules for the meeting set by university officials was no tape recorders. Of course, McGriff and company brought one and then wasted the rest of the meeting bickering about why a tape recorder should be allowed.

Now if the issues that The Movement has to discuss with the President are that important, why was breaking the rules and bickering the only thing done by McGriff and company? Ever since that meeting, The Movement has been stomping their feet for another chance to waste Jischke’s time with sit-ins and many other small turn-out protests.

The article on Feb. 25 talks about Jischke’s unwillingness to meet with them again. Can you blame him? I say no, he made an attempt once to hear their issues, they blew it. Plus, let’s realize that 50 students (the amount of people quoted showing up in Feb. 25 article “Movement protest draws crowd”), not only including The Movement but other minority groups, out of a student population of over 24,000 students, is not really enough to bother Jishke’s time. The country and the university go by “The good of the many outweigh the good of the few or the one.” Since the turnout at these little protests is not a large percentage of the students, one can conclude that the 24,000 students are happy with the diversity on the campus or wish to get an education, since that is why they are here!

The article also talks about some other minorities complaining about jokes or being “excluded by faculty members” because of sexual orientation. Isn’t that new, everyone! For centuries, there have been groups being made fun of about their weight, race, religion, looks, smarts, gender, what country they are from — the list can go on and on. But what do these people do? They go on to make something of themselves, ignoring such stupid comments. Nerds, who were and still are ridiculed and made fun of, have prospered to become leaders of multi-billion dollar computer companies, minorities have become leaders in government, athletic stars, and movie stars, even through all the ridicule, to prove that they can do it themselves while ignoring bigots and other idiots.

Concerning Catt Hall, it is not going to be renamed for a small group of English grad students and students who have nothing better to do than cry and complain. Whether Ms. Catt was a racist or not, the building was named in honor of her achievements, whatever they may be. Also, the building was restored with many donations by many people who wished the building to be preserved under that name. If the university would change the name of it, lawsuits could be brought up against the university because contributions were made specifically for that building and its name. If people want more diverse building names, donate money to the university for a building to be named whatever name you wish.

Face it, September 29th Movement, you blew it in your first meeting without getting anything other than childish bickering done in front of the man whom you wanted to initiate some changes for you. One man can make a difference, but it is important in the first dialogues to try to act professionally, especially in front of the top man in charge, our wise President Martin Jischke.

A. T. Farley


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