Non-racial issue

Felicidade Van Acker

I’m writing this letter in response to Mr. John Ohlfest’s article published in the Daily, on March 23.

I’m afraid you are mistaken about the multicultural center. What makes you think that building such a center would be a racial issue?

If you look around in this campus, you will find thousands of international students from dozens of countries, from all over the world. The multicultural center is also about them.

What do you know about Kazakhstan or Guatemala or Mauritania or New Guinea? Not much, I dare to suppose. Well, then, the Multicultural Center will help you learn more about them.

It’s special treatment, you might say. Probably, but take a minute to think about this: We, international students, are in your country learning about and experiencing your culture. Don’t you think it is fair that we have an opportunity to show you something about ours?

I love my country probably as much as you love yours, and I feel thrilled when someone shows some interest in it. Multiply this feeling by thousands of other students, and you will find one of the reasons why a multicultural center is important.

Yes, I agree with you, we are all a part of the human race. But we are such a rich and varied human race that it would be a shame to waste an opportunity to learn more about it.

Felicidade Van Acker

Graduate student
