Students learn about international opportunities
February 19, 1998
Delphi Packard Automotive Systems gave a presentation Monday night to about 50 Iowa State students wanting to know more about international internships and study opportunities.
Delphi Packard Automotive Systems, a subsidiary of General Motors, has a partnership with the College of Engineering and is currently looking for students to fill cooperative education positions in Germany, Singapore and Australia.
The program was put on by two Delphi representatives in the Campanile Room of the Memorial Union, who gave brief presentations on Delphi international operations and the opportunities it has available.
Delphi is looking for students in the field of mechanical, electrical and industrial engineering who wish to spend time studying at international universities and getting on-the-job experience at overseas Delphi sites.
Several ISU students who are former Delphi interns were on hand to share their experiences.
“There’s no way you can get this kind of experience in the United States,” said Cliff Denson, junior in mechanical engineering. “My experience [in Singapore] cannot be matched.”
Denson said the best part of the internship was the opportunity to learn and work in a different culture.
Ryan Jenner, senior in industrial engineering, agreed with Denson, citing the rewards of his personal experience. “I was able to go to Paris for a week — that was amazing.”
Jenner said he spent time studying and working for Delphi in Germany; however, he said the experience of living in another country was the most rewarding.
“There was one time where I was on top of Germany, basically, standing on the top of a glacier,” he said. “That was really the best part of the whole experience.”
Monday’s program was sponsored by the College of Engineering’s International Education and Internship Program (IEIP). The IEIP is a new entity aimed at developing partnerships with overseas universities and businesses for the purpose of recruiting and nominating ISU engineering students to work and study abroad.
IEIP is a priority in the College of Engineering, said James Melsa, dean of the College of Engineering.
“We have placed a lot of emphasis on this program,” he said. “Our goal is to have at least 25 percent of our students spend two months or more in international study or industry.”
Last year, 12 percent of engineering students had overseas experience, as opposed to 8 percent the previous year, Melsa said.
He cited similar goals for the engineering faculty, but he stressed that an overseas experience is a rewarding opportunity for all engineering students.
“[The IEIP] provides a great opportunity for students to see new people, meet new people and learn to work in a world that is different,” Melsa said.
Students who are interested in participating in the IEIP are encouraged to submit their resumes to Engineering Career Services, 200 Engineering Annex. They can also complete International Student Exchange Applications, which are available in Room 5 of Hamilton Hall.
More information on the IEIP is available at