Pink triangles

Dave Andrews

Pink triangles! Get your pink triangles!

Here I go again, hanging my freshman butt back out on the line. This time I wanna talk about something a little more blatant that false accusations about the leader of the free world. Discrimination runs rampant these days, and this deeply concerns me. It’s everywhere you look, gumming up the works of a supposedly smooth system. It is screwing up this fine institution so much that it has chosen to battle discrimination with yet more discrimination. Don’t understand? Lemme break it down.

The LGBT Alliance has made a valiant effort, and for that I give them a lot of credit. They want what everyone else wants — zero discrimination. People of alternative sexual preference (for lack of a gentler P.C. term) have been discriminated against for years. I agree, something must be done.

Pink triangles! Get ’em while they last!

Safe zones, in theory, are supposed to protect a certain group from bias. Now, step back a bit and look at the larger picture. Why should only one group be safe from bias? What about other little differences, like, say, skin color? Why single out one group when others have the same problems?

You’ve heard me state the problem. Now listen to the solution. Here you go: replace the pink triangle stickers with a piece of Duct Tape. Don’t ask why I chose duct tape, just do it. Put it on your door, your window, wherever. What this piece of duct tape states is that you actually realize that after all, Peoples is peoples (no matter what anyone else tells you). We all have the same color blood, need the same things to survive, and have true feelings. Go ahead and call me ridiculous. Discrimination affects everyone, whether it is obvious or not. We need to end it. I’ve got my duct tape. Do you?

Dave Andrews

