Mortar Board presents ‘The Last Lecture Series’ Wednesday night

Emily Graham

Mortar Board, an honorary society at Iowa State, will be hosting “The Last Lecture Series” Wednesday night in the Campanile Room of the Memorial Union as part of Mortar Board Week.

Speakers at the lecture will include Jane Vallier, adjunct assistant professor of English, and Richard Seagrave, distinguished professor of chemical engineering.

Seagrave will focus his lecture on things happening at the university and how they are changing. He has titled his lecture “Food for Thought.”

“The original topic was too overwhelming, so I will just try to talk about something interesting,” Seagrave said.

“I really think they will be entertaining speeches. They are both awesome speakers,” John Hobson, member of the Mortar Board and a senior in marketing, said.

The lecture will be open to all students.

The theme for this year’s Mortar Board Week is “Learning Knows No Boundaries.”

Stacia Piggott, senior in dairy science and member of the Mortar Board, said the whole point of this week is to create awareness about the organization and the leadership and scholarship opportunities it provides for students.

She said because Mortar Board is made of elite leaders on campus, it’s not always possible for members to put an excessive amount of time into the board.

Mortar Board in a national honorary society with a hundred-year tradition at ISU.

Originally Mortar Board began as an all female organization, but when the equal rights movement started, men were allowed to join.

Hobson said members of Mortar Board consist of juniors and seniors who display scholarship and leadership qualities.

Besides the lecture series, Mortar Board will also be working with the Ames community.

Throughout the year, members will be volunteering at the Riverside Manor retirement home and the Boys and Girls Club.

Piggott said Mortar Board wants to look at all age levels, so that is why it is working with the retirement home and the Boys and Girls Club this semester.

Mortar Board was also responsible for starting Varieties.