Engineering vs LAS

E. T. Mericle

Although I’m now retired from ISU, I still enjoy reading the Daily.

Two items caught my eye on Jan. 26. The first concerned President Clinton’s latest alleged transgression. My first observation is that, in general, the younger the reader, the more horrified is the response. Bill Clinton is still a country boy. And keep in mind that he did not have a strong father figure throughout his life to give him guidance and provide a good example. Likewise, John Kennedy’s dad, Joe, had several mistresses, and this was the principal role model JFK had.

My point is that a good or bad example can carry on for generations. So, instead of criticizing anyone, just make sure you become the kind of person you would want your offspring to emulate.

My other observation concerns Catherine Conover’s “Liberal arts vs. Engineering” opinion.

Our daughter Margaret found this to be true away from the university as well. Her job offers with her liberals arts degree in hand were almost nil. She then took two more years in an engineering field and lo and behold became that rarest of birds —a truly literate engineer, one who now oversees most of the proposals emanating from her research facility.

Margaret had no more interest in engineering then than Catherine has now, but she liked nice things and her liberal arts degree didn’t have much “purchasing” power. Currently Margaret makes $50,000, and her boss is picking up the tab for her master’s.

E. T. Mericle
