Get some spanakopita and souvlaki at annual Greek Night tonight at the Union

Darcie Brown

Food, singing, dancing and fun will be the theme of Greek Night tonight at 6:30 in the Great Hall of the Memorial Union.

Festivities will begin with a typical Greek dinner, which will be prepared by the Iowa State Hellenic Student Association, said Gregorios Siourounis, the organization’s treasurer.

The cuisine will include pastitsio, which is pasta and ground beef, spanakopita, tyropita and souvlaki with pita. For dessert, karidopita, which is walnut pie, will be served.

Following dinner, a slide show will feature islands, museums and other landmarks in Greece.

Siourounis said the celebration will include a fashion show, as well as singing and dancing. A group of leaders will perform eight songs and four Greek dances, he said.

The Hellenic Student Association, which is sponsoring Greek Night, has dedicated the month of February to the Greek Hellenic Festival. Leaders have planned special activities for each week during the month.

Siourounis said Greek Night is about expressing Greek hospitality.

“We are having Greek Night in order to promote Greek culture and to let people know about [it],” he said.

Excluding last year, the Hellenic Student Association has sponsored Greek Night for the past five years. Siourounis said the event was very popular, and that roughly 190 people attended the last Greek Night.

“This year we have already sold 250 tickets, and that’s not counting the 30 members from the association,” he said.

“I think the people love everything. They like the food, for sure, and the dances,” Siourounis said.

The Hellenic Student Association also helps students from Greece adjust to ISU and find success.

Siourounis said the association promotes International Week during the year, and that it sponsors a Greek Orthodox Easter as well.

He said it also welcomes new students with a celebration every August.

Everyone is invited to attend Greek Night. Tickets are $7 per person and can be purchased from any member of the Hellenic Student Association.