‘Whining community’

Todd Turner

As an ISU alum, I have sporadically followed the big “to do” the students have with President Jischke. After reading Brian Johnson’s “The Truth” letter to the editor, I just had to comment. First, is the Brian Johnson that wrote this letter the same close-minded Brian Johnson that I’ve seen published in the Daily before? The letter sounded so imbecilic that I figured it just had to be.

Students, you do not run the university. If you do not like that fact, exercise your right to attend college elsewhere. You all sound like a lot of whiny little babies to me.

President Jischke does not need to explain to anyone why the graduation rate for blacks is only 33 percent. What do you want him to say or do? Do you want a quota? I would not be surprised if the rate is lower than average already because of quotas.

There are probably many unqualified people let into the university to simply fill quotas as it is; then, surprise, they don’t make it. Another explanation could be that ISU has been less apt to lower their standards to simply make people like Brian Johnson feel better.

I know these possibilities are not considered proper to the politically correct community, but they are valid and true.

From the complaints of the likes of BJ, I’m sure President Jischke is doing a fine job. Keep up the good work, President Jischke, and do not give in to the “whining community.”

Todd Turner

Logan, Ohio