Close your Bibles

Jayson Wittrup

This has gone on long enough. I have sat by all year and watched the homosexuality debate rant on, with people quoting their blessed Bible. Steve Sass, in his letter of Feb. 24, said, “It does not matter what I think is right, but it matters what God has said on the subject.” Well, that’s really easy for you then, isn’t it Steve? You don’t really need to think or be conscious of your own thoughts … just open the Bible and it shall lead you.

If Steve had the faintest idea about writing a persuasive piece, he would know that the first rule in making an argument is NOT to quote the Bible. The Bible is a completely objective writing that takes both sides and takes no side at the same time. The Bible may tell me one thing on page X and then tell me the exact 180 degree opposite thing on page Y. It is for this reason that the Bible needs to be left out of your debates from now on. It is simply not credible.

The Bible was not intended to be interpreted literally. The fact is that the Bible is a compilation of teachings. It’s kind of a history/philosophy/sociology textbook all wrapped into one. It is not law. It is a suggestion.

I want to drive home one simple point. In deciding what one thinks is right or wrong, it is very easy (and cowardly) to simply quote some other source and say “they’re right … that’s what I think, too.” We live in an era when individual thought and rationality prevail. It’s time that people develop their own thoughts and their own ideals. So what this whole debate about homosexuality boils down to isn’t what one person thinks the Bible says as opposed to what another person thinks the Bible says. Rather, it is simply an argument over personal opinion and personal belief — a debate which will certainly never end. A debate that, for the time being, will be exclusively reserved for those who actually have their own opinions and beliefs. Close you Bible and join us.

Jayson Wittrup


Electrical engineering