SI swimsuit issue

Mario Smith

So, Catherine Conover, a senior in LIBERAL studies, doesn’t like the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue, huh? Well guess what … the probably 95 percent of subscribers who are men can’t wait for this issue to come to them in the mail. Sports Illustrated is a business. They are just giving their customers what they want. Sure, every now and then somebody is going to get upset over the swimsuit issue, but I guarantee that the number of letters they get in complaint of the issue is NOTHING compared to how many they would get if they decided to stop running it. In fact, it would probably be very bad business for them. I’m sure they’d lose more subscribers if they cancelled the swimsuit issues.

Now look, I’m not saying that the swimsuit issue is right. But, if you love SI so much, I have a suggestion for you. Since you “feel uncomfortable knowing that (you) pay for a magazine that objectifies women,” just turn it all around. Get a subscription to Playgirl, a magazine that objectifies men. Then you wouldn’t have to feel guilty. Hey, if you think the SI swimsuit issue is pornography, this ought to interest you. Stop by Parks Library sometime and ask to see their collection of Playboys (gee, I wonder who pays for those). They keep them locked up. That’s just soft-core porn, but I think you’ll see the difference.

Now I don’t have a subscription to SI (Playboy is cheaper), but I felt I should say something in defense of them. Seriously, if I were sent a copy of Playgirl in the mail, I would have enough common sense to 1) NOT look through it (because I know what’s going to be in there, and I know I’m not going to like it); and 2) either throw it away, or even better, give it to someone who will appreciate it. Also, you could write SI or call or something and simply tell them you don’t want the swimsuit issue sent to you anymore. They are a business and you are their customer … they’ll listen to you. And don’t try saying again that you can’t fathom the thought of subscribing to a magazine that degrades women. Everybody and their mom knows that SI has an annual swimsuit issue (well, at least MY mom did … she used to pick it up for me at the grocery store). Hey, if you want to attack pornography, attack the magazine that makes it their business to degrade women in EVERY issue. Just do me a favor and stay away from Playboy.

Mario Smith


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