Gay role model

Angela Beaman

On Feb. 3, the United States Postal Service along with Iowa State University and President Jischke grandly celebrated the accomplishments of George Washington Carver with a commemorative stamp.

Thank you, President Jischke, for celebrating a gay man and acknowledging his importance to this university and to the world.

For those who don’t know, here is a quote from the book, “Out In All Directions,” pg.27:


“African American biochemist, agrobotanist, and teacher, born a slave, revolutionized the lagging Southern farm economy with his work on crop diversification, and his many farm-related inventions, while heading the Tuskeegee University research staff for half a century. He was openly gay and lived for years with his loving successor at Tuskeegee, Dr. Austin W. Curtis, Jr.”

Thank you, President Jischke, for finally providing a much needed role model for the gay community at Iowa State University.

Angela Beaman


Women’s studies