Choice during Veishea

Denise Wunn

In your opinion of Jan 29, 1998, it was written: “Now, the responsibility of saving the celebration [Veishea] is being taken from the students and given to the Ames Police.”

If I choose to drink during Veishea or any other time, how do the police become responsible for MY choice and MY behavior? They are responsible for enforcing the law, not the choices I make in my life. Had people been more responsible for their drinking behavior over the last several years, one man would probably still be alive and the future of the Veishea celebration would never have been called into question.

The choice to drink or not to drink during the upcoming Veishea (or any other time for that matter) is a personal choice that we all must make and we must all bear the consequences of the decisions that we make in our lives. It would be good for the editorial board to emphasize the importance of making responsible decisions and not try to place the blame for possible consequences of irresponsible behavior on someone else.

Denise Wunn

Graduate student

Veterinary pathology