Opportunity for ISU community to learn about Buddhism, meditation

Abby Zirkle

Iowa State students, faculty and staff looking to learn more about Buddhist teachings and meditation can participate this weekend in a program sponsored by the Ames Karma Kagyu Study Group (KKSG).

The KKSG will host special guest Kathy Wesley, lama in the Karma Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism, to help in the planned activities.

The three-day event begins tonight at 7 with a speech by Wesley titled “Compassion on an Emotional Shoestring” in Room 234 of the Memorial Union. The suggested donation is $5.

“The Path of Compassionate Action” is Saturday’s theme, and the day will be filled with teachings and meditation. Participants are asked to wear comfortable clothing and bring cushions suitable for sitting on all day.

A period of personal interviews will also be held for those who wish to discuss meditation and related topics.

Saturday’s program starts at 8 a.m. in Room 248 of the Memorial Union, and lasts until 3:30 p.m., with a suggested donation of $25.

The weekend wraps up on Sunday with meditation during the KKSG weekly meeting at 10 a.m. in Room 248 of the Memorial Union. Wesley will host a question-and-answer session for interested students at 11 a.m., and will offer refuge vows for those who wish to become Buddhist at 1 p.m.

Wesley became a lama in the Karma Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism after completing the traditional three-year retreat in May 1996, under the guidance of Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche, abbot of Karma Triyana Dharmachakra (KTD) monastery in Woodstock, N.Y.

She has been under his guidance since 1977.

To become a lama, one must participate in the retreat.

“The retreat is a series of physical and spiritual tests. She went on minimal sleep while undergoing an intense study of her religion,” said Tim Mullaney, coordinator of KKSG.

Wesley is one of five women to complete the required training since 1996.

“American women are taking a strong interest in Tibetan Buddhism,” Mullaney said. “It is more popular now for women lamas to be westerners and live and raised on westerner ideas.”

Wesley also has other roles in addition to being a lama, which include meditation instructor and administrative director.

She also has a degree in journalism and is a part-time features writer for her local newspaper.

The Ames KKSG offers a continuing program of meditation and study to people in the Ames area.

Meditation is on Sundays from 10 to 11 a.m. in the Memorial Union, followed by study and discussion sessions.

The group aims to provide a resource for Ames residents interested in Buddhism, and especially Tibetan Buddhism.

For more information, call the Ames KKSG at 233-3522.