Homosexual offenders?

Karl Von Uhl

I read with some dismay Sara Ziegler’s column of Feb. 9. In it, she states that 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 concerns, in part, “male prostitutes [and] homosexual offenders.” What St. Paul actually wrote is “malakoi oute arsenokoitai,” terms which are not as conveniently translated as “male prostitutes [and] homosexual offenders” as Ms. Ziegler would have us believe.

What concerns me most is that Ms. Ziegler ignores the vast body of work which disputes the erroneous translation of scripture she holds in such regard.

Even the most cursory study shows that the word “homosexual” didn’t even exist until the late 19th century; it’s highly unlikely St. Paul wrote it. Happily, I see she is a student at your esteemed university, and I have every hope that, some time during her enrollment, she will learn the dangers one is exposed to when one offers an opinion on a topic about which one is woefully ignorant.

Karl von Uhl
