Greek Success

Mark Ryen Anderson

In the wake of so much negative publicity directed towards the Greek system thus far this year, I would like to let people know the extreme circumstances surrounding so many fraternities and sororities are isolated events and shouldn’t be a stereotype of all other houses and members in general.

Just this past weekend, executive members as well as other members of Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity went to our annual National Carlson Leadership Academy in Cedar Rapids, along with 21 other Sig Ep chapters. During the weekend, we were assigned to groups which simulated fraternity houses at a mock university: “Carlson University.” Members dealt with numerous issues faced by many Greek systems and houses across the country.

On Saturday night, a dinner and awards banquet were held to honor Sig Ep chapters from Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and a portion of Wisconsin. We, the Iowa State chapter of Sig Ep, won numerous awards, including an Excelsior Cup, the second highest honor a Sig Ep chapter can win (this was the highest award at the Carlson Leadership Academy), which was won for a significant improvement in chapter environment.

So, hopefully, this is some good press for the Greek system. Unlike the usual negative stereotype many people have of fraternities, we are trying to set a new standard. Our Balanced Man Program encourages equality, mentoring and excellence in areas of academics, leadership and athletics, as well as true gentlemanly action. Not to mention the opportunity to make some of the greatest and strongest friendships of our lives.

Mark Ryen Anderson


Journalism and mass communication